Monday, March 26, 2007

The Namowal Show

At work we have a Toastmasters club. Sounds pretentious, but it's just an informal speech club. Many of the speeches are done on the fly and get hilariously silly. It's not like we're debating the cultural aesthetics of modern vs. postmodern interior illuminated signage and the societal aesthetic blah blah blah...
Trying to attract newcomers, one member sent an email to everybody. She added details, including "Namowal's speech is 'My Goofy Life'".
Uh Oh, I thought, feeling shyness creep in. Now everyone knows I'm giving a speech about myself. What if people are curious and I have to give the speech in front of a big audience? What if I'm boring? What if they walk out...?
I didn't have to worry. Lets say we almost had to postpone the meeting due to low attendance and leave it at that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good morning. you made me laugh.