Thursday, April 29, 2010

Obscene Phone Bust (Hudson & Landry)

The "Obscene Phone Bust" sketch by Hudson & Landry dates back to the early 1970s, but it's still funny:
A suspect accused of dirty phone calls is being interrogated by the police.  Every answer he gives is packed with obscenities, which are bleeped out with silly sounds.   The humor goes beyond the gimmick- it's just funny to hear them butt heads.  The officer is aggressive, bossy and increasingly frustrated, while the phone perv knows no fear...
Here's a recording from You-Tube:


Mike Healy said...

I like how we have the hot-headed redneck sheriff, and the calm-and-cool little snarky perv, just like in the bit. These characters are way better than the ones drawn for "The Prospectors" routine on YouTube. Bob Hudson's "redneck" voice was always a riot!

I always thought those guys should have done cartoon voices, or had their own cartoon show (anyone got any radio shows of theirs on tape?).

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Thanks, Mike.
I haven't seen the Prospectors on You-Tube. I'll have to check it out.
I agree they'd have been good voice actors for cartoons.
Until a few years ago I had the "Obscene Phone Bust" on a decades old cassette tape (recorded off the L.P.). A newer car (no tape deck), a move, and the fact that they were falling apart sent most of my tapes into the trash.

Pile Girl said...

Reminds me of Spike Jones and the City Slickers.

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Good point, Pile Girl.
They all knew how to have fun with sound effects!

Mike Healy said...

A great follow-up to this would be "The Dirty Old Man" by Jim Backus, featuring even wackier sound-effects and editing, and written by Hudson & Landry themselves. It can be heard on the 1974 LP of the same name, or the "Comedy Classics" CD reissue.