Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More Flash Preview

Other people go out to lunch, I stay in and work on my flash cartoon for forty minutes. I can't believe a two minute cartoon can take so long to crank out. From the impatient look on the tomato guy, he can't believe it either.


Sally said...

Make sure you save multiple copies of it, because you wouldn't want it to become corrupt. argh. It must be really elaborate-- can't wait till it's done.

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

I have a backup, but maybe I should have some spares just in case. Good idea, Sally!

Linda Davick said...

Namo, are you doing 30 frames per second? Can you start working on it at breakfast and dinner, too?

Not really!! But really.

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Yes Linda, it's thirty frames per second, but most of the animation is done at every other frame and sometimes less.
I'd work on it through dinner, but that time is reserved for Land of the Lost.Thanks for your enthusiasm!

stray said...

Looking great! So impressed you're working through lunch on it.