Monday, November 02, 2009


A Wiggle-Gram is an animated gif of two alternating stereo images. The result enhances depth.
Here's some I made from old images I found on the web:

The first two are from autochromes (very early color pics) I found here:

Here's another autochrome from 1915

I like the last one the best. Part of my mind classifies 1915 as black and white fossilized age, of sorts, very different from the "real" world I live in. But Miss Autochrome in the chair looks as real as any of my neighbors and could have been photographed yesterday.

Like wigglegrams? Check out these ones someone put together from old stereo photos from Japan.


stray said...

This is fascinating. For some reason it makes me think of the lenticular images, though I know they're not the same thing.

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

I thought of lenticular images too, stray.
I appreciate any 3d that doesn't require glasses or wacky eye tricks.

Hi Linda,
Yes, I have to admit they are kinda silly. The original photographer would be horrified.

karenladeeda said...

I want to try this

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Hi Karen,
Try it! The web is full of stereograms (although it could use more viewmaster imagages). You can throw one together with gimp in a few minutes.