Thursday, September 25, 2008

Silly Walk with Four Legs

Here's a four legged version of a silly walk I did earlier.


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    This reminds me Monty Python had an old silly walk skit. I found this Silly Walks Generator!

  2. Anonymous4:28 PM

    (You can google Monty Python Silly Walk for the YouTube of their original Ministry of Silly Walks skit).

  3. stay g,
    A silly walks generator? You mean I've been doing it the hard way?

    thanks for the link. I bet I'll have fun with it.

  4. This is Very Silly. I love it.

  5. Nice walk. Like the way the foot hits down. You have a great style of motion. Hope you'll make a cartoon of them soon.

  6. It IS silly!! Cute as can beeeee.

  7. Thanks, Linda and Sally,
    Believe it or not, the head and neck gave me the most trouble. The timing drove me crazy.

    Hi Boodababy,
    Thanks for calling him cute. I'm sure he's as flattered as I am.

  8. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Namowal, I sometimes walk like that. No jokes. I'm wondering if you could tell a little bit about how you create something like this.

  9. Mari,
    Thanks for stopping by, Mari. :)

    I'd be happy to tell you how I made this.
    Were you interested in technical stuff (how I put it together in Flash) or just how I came up with the idea?

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Namowal, I guess I'm always fascinated first by where the idea came from, and then how you put it together (like what program you use, how long it takes, problems). Nothing too specific, but I'm always interested in knowing how artists put it together.

  11. Mari,
    I came up with the idea in a sketchbook. I was looking for a walk with less joints and wondered how walk where the legs swung backwards would look.
    The body parts were drawn and animated in flash. The legs and feet all use the same shapes, only the position and timing is different. The hardest part was making sure the joints lined up.


I dislike typing the quasi-legible words too, but without them it's Spam City, Sorry!