Thursday, May 22, 2008

Unfinished Business

This piece wouldn't cooperate. The shading wasn't right*. The details were off. The mood was wrong.
I fought it, reworked it, paint, undo, blur, paint, undo, etc.. By last night it'd been days since I last posted. Finish it! I told myself. Your blog's gonna go stale! Make something worth publishing.
I should know better. Once you start fighting a drawing (or anything creative,) you lose. (They should make a special keyboard for artists that sounds an alarm if "undo" is hit too much.)
Then it hit me. What's this "worth publishing" rule? Why not publish it unfinished?

*part of the problem was a custom brush (Painter 8, airbrush) variation that made a cool texture but was difficult to control. Click the picture to see the texture better.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Is it like terrycloth? Thanks for posting!

  2. Broken pieces in namowal's gift store?

  3. Hi Stay,
    The texture is more of a glittery deal- what you might find in so-tacky-it's-great Formica or vinyl.
    Hi Sally,
    You could call them that.
    They were inspired by a cute owl shaped building from the 1930s. It looked liked one of these characters (but scarier) before it fell apart in the 1970s, after years of vandalism and neglect.

  4. I know the building you mean, I think.

  5. You mean This
    I think there's a blurb about it at the Peterson Museum in the roadside section. Too bad there's not more online info about it.

  6. (They should make a special keyboard for artists that sounds an alarm if "undo" is hit too much.)
    Great idea!! I need this keyboard.


I dislike typing the quasi-legible words too, but without them it's Spam City, Sorry!