Monday, January 07, 2008

"I'm Tropical"

Here's my first attempt at talking. I started with something short and simple.
I lifted the voice from here (Lawrence, raised to a cartoony pitch.)
p.s. Thanks, Sally!


  1. This is so wonderful. I was telling Jon about it just now, and he said anyone who worked at R&etc of course would be talented. He didn't get it exactly.

  2. Thanks, Sally!
    I'm glad you liked him. I feared I was pushing my luck by using a toucan (as opposed to something more human). I think the phonetics class I took in college finally came in handy!

  3. Namowal!!! Oh my God!!!
    I love this!
    I could NEVER figure out how to procure voices from your source. Are you using a Mac or a PC?

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    namowal, this sounds really weird, but the first time I saw a mouse that I had animated talking--I mean, saying a sentence-- (he was worked into a video with real people), I was absolutely transfigured. I felt like GOD or something. This was only a month or two ago and I don't feel like God anymore, but I did at that instant.

  5. Ok! Ok! You're tropical already!

    This is a hoot...It was taking a little bit to load so I got up to stretch and while I was standing in the next room I heard your bird's repeated affirmation of his origins!

    My kids and I got a big kick out of it.

    Thanks for posting---You're making great progress...

  6. Thanks, Linda. *blush*
    I'm using a P.C. The voice source works like this: when I hit the "Say it" button I get the option to open or save a Quicktime file of the speech. On my machine Quicktime opens automatically each time.
    I understand what you mean about the talking mouse. Once I got Terrance to talk I thought Wow! I made a "real" cartoon!
    Thanks Walterworld. I'm glad you and your kids liked him. That makes me happy.

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Oh OK. You must have QuickTime Pro (?) which I lost when I got my "real" computer back. I can't wait to use those voices. When will we get to see another? I'm not pushy, am I?

  8. Hi Linda,
    I have Quicktime version 5.
    I'm flattered you want to see another one. It's in progress- I had a lot of errands today so I didn't get time to work on it. Hopefully I'll have something tomorrow.


I dislike typing the quasi-legible words too, but without them it's Spam City, Sorry!