Thursday, December 20, 2007

Inside Out of this World II

More inside out logos:
Warped so the outer edge becomes the inner core, while the inner core is stretched to become the new edge (like the example above).

Inside Out Malboro looks like a poison apple...


  1. (Hi, finally back after compter wipe)

    What a great idea!

    Good call on the MArlboro logo. Result of the effect on the Shell Oil logo is almost kinda telling as well. Shell is EVIL! :-D

  2. Nice to have you back, Ghostbuild.
    I noticed the Shell one looked spiderlike too...

  3. Funny about Shell- I saw it in reverse-- ie missed the spider-- thought it was particularly attractive!


I dislike typing the quasi-legible words too, but without them it's Spam City, Sorry!